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  • Puerto Rican Yellow Plantain and Meat Casserole

The natural sweetness of the plantains enhances the flavor of this Puerto Rican dish.

Recipe Source: Delicious Heart Healthy Latino Recipes


  • For meat filling layer:

    1½ lb lean ground beef
    2 medium green peppers without seeds, chopped
    1 medium yellow onion, chopped
    3 bay leaves
    ¼ C chopped cilantro
    1 C low-sodium beef broth
    5 ajicitos (tiny sweet peppers)
    ½ Tbsp annatto paste (achiote)
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    1 C tomato sauce

  • For dough:

    8 large yellow plantains, ripe and peeled
    10 C water
    2 Tbsp olive oil

  • For other layers:

    5 egg whites, beaten
    1½ C cooked green beans
    ½ C low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese

calories 401
Total fat 8 g
Saturated fat 3 g
Cholesterol 27 mg
Sodium 194 mg
Total fiber 7 g
Protein 19 g
Carbohydrates 71 g
Potassium 1,315 mg
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350 °F.

  • 2
    Brown the ground beef in a large pot. Drain the fat and add the remaining filling ingredients. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Set aside.

  • 3
    Boil the peeled plantains in 10 cups of water until soft, then drain. In a large bowl, mash the plantains, then add the olive oil. Mix well, making it into a soft dough.

  • 4
    In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they are foamy.

  • 5
    Spread half of the plantain dough in an 11" × 14" baking pan. Add a layer of the meat filling, egg whites, and half of the green beans.

  • 6
    Repeat these layers, and top with a final layer of plantains and egg whites. Sprinkle with the mozzarella cheese.

  • 7
    Bake for 20 minutes. Cut into 12 servings.

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