Keep the Beat: Deliciously Healthy Eating Event Highlights
April, 2011, Nutrition and Dietetic students from Northern Illinois University (NIU)
Senior undergraduate Nutrition and Dietetic students from Northern Illinois University (NIU) tested and sampled recipes from the Keep the Beat™ Recipes: Deliciously Healthy Family Meals cookbook as part of their Applied Nutrition class in Spring 2010. In Spring 2011, they used the cookbook as part of a cooking class with NIU employees in the Facilities and Finance division. All enjoyed the recipes!
November 8, 2010, American Dietetic Association, Boston, MA
Registered Dietitians sample two new Keep the Beat™ Recipes, Wiki (Fast) Rice and Hawaiian Huli Chicken at the American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference (Boston, MA, November 6-9, 2010).
October 23, 2010, Unity Healthcare Family Day, Washington, D.C.
Unity Healthcare, a NHLBI We Can! site, held a Family Day event at the Upper Cardozo Clinic together with the NHLBI. Parents and children learned how to make a new Keep the Beat™ Recipe, Wiki (Fast) Rice, and Quinoa and Black Bean Salad from the Platillos Latinos ¡Sabrosos y Saludables! with Chef Kamen. They also tasted recipes and made their own healthy Snack Mix. Families also took part in fun, active games with staff (Washington, D.C., October 23, 2010).
July 11, 2010, National Council of La Raza, San Antonio, TX
Keep the Beat exhibit at the National Council of La Raza conference. Participants enjoyed samples of Corn and Black Bean Burritos, collected recipe cards, and signed up for a raffle for Keep the Beat Recipes: Deliciously Healthy Dinners, Platillos Latinos ¡Sabrosos y Saludables!, and a set of Keep the Beat measuring spoons (July 10-13, 2010, San Antonio, TX.)
February 24, 2010, 84th & Holdrege Hy-Vee in Lincoln, NE
Hy-Vee staff prepare the Turkey Club Burger recipe for their Cooking Club food sampling event (February 24, 2010 at the 84th & Holdrege Hy-Vee in Lincoln, NE).
February 23, 2010, National Institutes of Health, Bldg 10-B1 Cafeteria Event
November 11, 2009, Union square, Greenmarket Event
October 18, 2009, American Dietetic Association
Dietitians learning about Keep the Beat Recipes: Deliciously Healthy Dinners and sampling Edamame Stew (American Dietetic Association Conference, October 18, 2009) |
Keep the Beat is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.